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Friday, April 16, 2010

Medal of Honor: Heroes

We'll be discussing Medal of Honor Heroes this time around so buckle your seatbelts and grab your STG's here we go.

This game has brought some attention because its a series that was introduced on the tv consoles but was brought into the hand held realm and is one of the best as far as handling, and gameplay go. With cuts of old (and I mean 1950's old) movie cuts it can be interesting but, there can be flaws in any game....like no story.

The Good:
It's probably one of the better FPS WWII games on the market for the handheld in views of gameplay and controls

The Bad:
The story has no merit what so ever

Going with the Good First:
The game play is great for a hand held the camera rarely, if ever, gets stuck on any object and just over all is a very good camera.

There are a good many guns to choose from (although there is only one scoped sniper rifle which isn't a huge problem but, something that needs to be considered)

The health/damage ratio is pretty good as far as you don't die in one hit but your bullet's don't destroy everything in site.

The Old movie clips can be fun to watch just as a short little past time.

The Online play is very good and there are usually a good many players on.

Here's the Bad:
Really my only real gripe is that there isn't a very good story behind this, its just your dropped into random locations and asked to do various tasks. I think they could have done better in that area.

The Summary:
This is a good game for any handheld person that wants to experience a good slice of WWII and this game delivers, the story issue isn't a huge problem and its just a fun game that you can pick up and play, and for relatively cheap.

P.S There is a hack exploit that someone found, that can be seen in this video:

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